Released September 2023
85 mind blowing presets for Serum.
Imagine a preset pack so comprehensive and so inspiring, the music almost writes itself!
Shades of nebula is our newest creation, it is the BIGGEST pack we have released so far, and we are very proud of it. Come check it out and get your psytrance game the muse boost it needs!
Preset list:
BA AyBA Dark ||
BA Dark
BA Funk
BA Galop
BA PsyTrip Square
BA Square Alien
BA Stereo Roller
DR HHMetalic
DR Snare
FX 4 Bar Riser
FX 8 Bar RyUplifter
FX Dolphine
FX Drop
FX Fallout
FX HornGate
FX LazerPhaser
FX Magical
FX Shooter
GT GatedAlien
LD Alarm
LD AnalogWarmth
LD Chaos Dolphine
LD Emotional Sines
LD Emotional
LD Frequencies
LD Ghost
LD Hallead
LD Landscapes
LD Main Lead Backup
LD Monster
LD Noisy Transistor
LD Overdriven Double Saw
LD Overdriven Saw
LD Pacman
LD Party Hard
LD Plain
LD RubberDriver
LD Rzr
LD Short Distort
LD SideSaw
LD Signature
LD SimpleSuper
LD SquareRoot
LD SyncMonster
LD Tremor
PD Cinema
PD Dreamy DrawBar
PD Falling Stars
PD Pusating Wind
PL Acid Bark
PL Bell Velocity
PL BigHorn 2
PL BigHorn
PL Celestial Toy
PL Detuned Pluck
PL Dropletts [VELOCITY]
PL Mallet
PL NoisyBell
PL Retro
PL SpaceTear
PL Sweeper
PL Teardrop
SQ AlienTalk
SQ Celestial
SQ Chaosynth
SQ Electric Beat
SQ Flnaglass
SQ JumpBass
SQ LionPit
SQ MoveGroove
SQ MultiSaw
SQ PsySeq
SQ SingleSaw
SQ SpringLoaded
SQ TranceGates
SY Bang
SY Evolving SoftKill
SY Flange Me
SY HardHit
TB Decimized
TB Ignite
TB Lofi
TB OldSchool
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